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Sod vs. Grass Seed: Choosing the Right Option for Your New Jersey Lawn

Jeff Hemhauser • 25 September 2023

When it comes to creating a lush, green lawn in New Jersey, you have two primary options: sod or grass seed. Both methods have their advantages and disadvantages, and the choice you make will depend on various factors, including your budget, time, and specific lawn needs. In this blog, we'll explore the pros and cons of both sod and grass seed to help you make an informed decision for your New Jersey lawn.

Sod vs. Grass Seed Lawn in New Jersey

Sod vs. Grass Seed: Choosing the Right Option for Your New Jersey Lawn

Sod Lawn Benefits

Sod, also known as turfgrass, is essentially grass that has already been grown and cultivated into thick mats or rolls. These rolls are then unrolled onto your prepared soil, instantly providing you with a green lawn. Here are some advantages of choosing sod for your New Jersey lawn:

Instant Gratification / Instant Lawn: Sod offers immediate results. Once it's installed, you have a beautiful, green lawn right away. This is especially appealing if you want a picturesque lawn quickly, such as for a special event or to boost your property's curb appeal.

Erosion Control: New Jersey weather can be unpredictable, and heavy rains can lead to soil erosion. Sod helps control erosion better than grass seed because its mature root system holds the soil in place.

Weed Suppression: Sod is less susceptible to weed invasion compared to newly seeded lawns. Its dense, established grass prevents weeds from taking root. Sod lawns will have much much less weed growth than a seeded lawn.

Less Watering: Within a few weeks, when the sod has started rooting deep into the soil, you will not have to water it as much. Sod requires less frequent watering compared to grass seed. This is particularly advantageous during New Jersey's hot and dry summers.

We have been providing sod installation services to New Jersey for over 40 years. We provide sod services for residential and commercial properties. If you are interested in installing a sod lawn, click below or give us a call.

Sod Installation Service Call us

However, sod also has some downsides:

Higher Initial Cost: Sod can be more expensive upfront compared to grass seed. The cost includes the materials and professional installation.

Limited Variety: You might have a limited selection of grass varieties when choosing sod. It's essential to select a type of sod that is well-suited to New Jersey's climate and soil conditions.

Grass Seed: Budget-Friendly and Customizable

Grass seed is the traditional way to establish a lawn. It involves sowing grass seed over prepared soil and nurturing it as it grows. Here are the advantages of choosing grass seed for your New Jersey lawn:

Cost-Effective: Grass seed is typically more budget-friendly than sod. You can select from various grass seed blends to suit your preferences and budget.

Variety: Grass seed allows for more variety in choosing the type of grass that best suits your lawn needs. You can select grass varieties that are well-adapted to New Jersey's climate and soil.

Do it Yourself Friendly: If you enjoy gardening and landscaping, sowing grass seed can be a rewarding DIY project. It gives you more control over the process and allows you to customize your lawn.

Establishes a Strong Root System: Grass seed establishes a deep and robust root system over time, which can contribute to long-term lawn health.

However, grass seed also has some disadvantages:

Slow Growth: Unlike sod, grass seed takes time to grow and fill in your lawn. You'll need patience as you wait for your lawn to become established.

Vulnerable to Weeds: Newly seeded lawns are more susceptible to weed invasion, and you'll need to invest time in weed control.

Erosion Risk: Until the grass is well-established, there is a risk of soil erosion during heavy rains.


In the sod vs. grass seed debate for your New Jersey lawn, the right choice depends on your specific circumstances and priorities. If you want an instant green lawn and are willing to invest upfront, sod may be the way to go. On the other hand, if you're working within a tighter budget and have the patience to nurture your lawn to maturity, grass seed offers more variety and customization.

Ultimately, the key to a healthy and beautiful New Jersey lawn, regardless of whether you choose sod or grass seed, lies in proper care and maintenance. Regular watering, fertilizing, mowing, and weed control are essential for a thriving lawn in the Garden State.

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